FCE December 2006 Session
Comments, anyone?
So here we are. Some of you have already done parts of the exam, some of you will finish it this week. Good.
I invigilated for FCE yesterday -had a quick look at the papers. Quite warm in Buenos Aires...
No way. I am not supposed to reveal any details about the exam. Same goes for you -have a look at those rules you received from your exam centre. All I can say is I feel my students could pass it with merit (hope so!).
My question:
How did it go?
I do hope to hear from you.
If you are not one from my class, tell us where you are from.
Your turn.
So here we are. Some of you have already done parts of the exam, some of you will finish it this week. Good.
I invigilated for FCE yesterday -had a quick look at the papers. Quite warm in Buenos Aires...
No way. I am not supposed to reveal any details about the exam. Same goes for you -have a look at those rules you received from your exam centre. All I can say is I feel my students could pass it with merit (hope so!).
My question:
How did it go?
I do hope to hear from you.
If you are not one from my class, tell us where you are from.
Your turn.
Hey Claudia, how are you??
As you know, we have done two out of five parts of the FCE exam. It was funny to share the Speaking Paper with Gustavo. It was like a second chance and I believe that we have done a good job there.
The Listening, with some doubts. Luck will be an important player this time.
I wonder if we will see each other next year or why not tomorrow at AACI. I really hope so.
Anonymous, At
5:13 pm
11 December 2006. Some clippings from my email exchanges.
Christian wrote to me:
"I have done the oral and it was quite good."
and then again:
Hi Claudia,
I do not have good news with respect to the listening. This was quite
difficult. That was the feeling of Nicolas, Gustavo, Alicia and I.
I am a little sad
Claudia Ceraso, At
6:06 pm
My Dear Students,
Now, let's think calmly. It happens to all of us. I mean, many students feel they have failed a part -at least one! However, your FCE mark is an overall mark.
I remember the last student who said that to me and got an unexpected A! The rule seems to be that you tend to concentrate better when you think it is very difficult and perform poorly when you regard the task fairly easy.
This means two things:
a) You won't fail because of one Paper -least of all for a single difficult part in a Paper.
b) Tomorrow you are sitting for three more Parts, which you can, may -why not must- do brilliantly.
Keep focused guys. This is not the end of the test yet.
PS/Nicolás email address has bounced.
Claudia Ceraso, At
6:07 pm
Hi! I am so glad you wrote a comment. I have a mistake in your email address. Anyway, I am posting above the mail I wanted to send you.
What a remarkable coincidence to do the oral with Gustavo. Yes, you did a smashing job together on our last class trial. I am sure the oral examiners were impressed with your fluency.
I am invigilating tomorrow. AACI will be full of people. I'll be there earlier to meet you on the ground floor.
Look forward to seeing you all.
Claudia Ceraso, At
6:20 pm
I m so glad you have accepted my comment! yes, it is the first one, indeed, but not the last one.
Honestly, it looks weard there in the screen.
As I ask for a two-days-holiday, I am free to enter to the blog and know a little bit about it. It really suprised me how well organized and how simple is to surf in it.
I have finished "Never let me go" (excellent book) and I have started "Leviatan" by Paul Auster. The plot and characters are good. So is pretty catching and why not unputdownlable!
Okey, late congratulations for this reality!!
Anonymous, At
7:02 pm
How could I reject one of your comments! You are one of the winners of the first edition of the FCE Blog Sample Answers Awards. I am honoured to have you as a new commenter. Make yourself home.
Ah the blogging experience...
It is weird to see your own words online, isn't it? Just imagine the day when some of those fcebloggers in remote parts of the world answer you. I bet you'll get a kick out of it.
Now. Just a thought. If books can be unputdownable, what would the word for blogs be? Mm.
(In these last words there are disguised spelling corrections. I can't forget I am a teacher! Sorry.)
May I borrow Never Let Me Go for my summer reading?
Claudia Ceraso, At
7:18 pm
Wierd, how subtle you are!
Yes, as a matter of fact, I did not check for corrections, something that won´t happend tomorrow. I give you my word.
Of course I can lend you Ishiguro. "Never let..." is great a book for summer time. For sure you will enjoy it.
The word for a blog...
Difficult but no impossible, let me think about it.
Perhaps... Unlogoutlable.
See you.
Anonymous, At
8:31 pm
Love it!!
(No "l" in the suffix "-able", right?)
You certainly are ready for your word transformation exercise tomorrow.
Thank you for lending me Ishiguro.
See you
Claudia Ceraso, At
8:42 pm
hey claudia
how can I se my results????
I did FCE in deceber 2006.
Anonymous, At
7:55 pm
Hello! You want to know your results. It is 11 Feb 2007 and it is about time, isn't it?
When you received your citation for FCE, your exam centre must have given you a password. Hope you did not lose it! With that info you can go to our EXAM RESULTS post in our amazing fceblog and see step-by-step instructions to read your results online.
The other option is to contact your exam centre and ask them when the Statement of Results arrives.
Here in Buenos Aires that will be towards the end of Feb.I do not know in Brazil...
(Because there is a flag from Brazil in my Stats report at the time of your comment!! The Internet is like Big Brother in 1984...)
Hope this helps. Please let us know how you did, right?
Claudia Ceraso, At
9:22 pm
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